OxyView® CR provides a secondary imaging system aimed at improving the identification of polyps during screening colonoscopy
Ninety five percent of colorectal cancer develops by a well understood series of genetic mutations over a 10-15 year time frame beginning as a tissue growth, commonly termed a polyp. Approximately one third to one half of adults will develop one or more polyps over their lifetime; approximately ten percent of which will progress to colon cancer.
Therefore, the overwhelming majority of colorectal cancers can be avoided by identification and removal of polyps at an early stage before malignant conversion. Video colonoscopy is currently the gold standard for screening patients to identify polyps, but it is far from perfect as roughly 25% of polyps are missed despite current technology. Our pre-clinical studies indicate a quantitatively measurable difference in tissue oxygenation between pre-malignant polyps and normal colonic tissue.

OxyView® CR provides a secondary imaging system aimed at improving the identification of polyps during screening colonoscopy; the system utilizes an imaging bundle that extends through the working channel of a traditional colonoscope to quantitatively measure and highlight oxygen differences that Surgisense has identified in a pre-clinical study of polyps when compared to normal colonic tissue.
OxyView® CR could additionally be used for the evaluation of ischemic bowel disease, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), subject to ongoing investigation.